Keeping track of your school or district’s devices
shouldn’t be a problem. With HiddenApp, it isn’t.
Designed for K-12, HiddenApp helps you monitor, track and locate your school’s devices without compromising
privacy. Save time and headspace supporting all your devices from a single, user-friendly dashboard.
Organize & monitor your entire fleet with ease
Managing school devices can be messy. Students move districts. Devices go missing for a day, a week, a semester - then pop back up again (maybe). Devices are shared. Or taken on vacation. Or left in the trunk of a parent’s car.
But it’s all good, because with HiddenApp you can track, locate and organize your school’s devices to suit how your flavor of K-12 works. You can group by class, grade or anything else you want and manage it all easily from one user-friendly dashboard.